Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sea Gull Crash: Skinny Love Remix I

Come on bluff
Story of a skinny love
Attempting to be heard
By one soul per year
As she stares
At falling

Sustain heart pedal beat
Venturing forth another year
Unrecorded throbbing adventures
Crashing love's impatient wreck
Upon sandcastle earth's shores

Pour a little salt
The wound was never here
Pain of invisible salvation
Is reconciliation's bribe

A divorce from hell
Death's all to near
But love's not...
Not ever wasted

Come on skinny hope 
Bluff of love's life fading time
Story of a memory ache crashed tear
Attempting to no witness fall
Just once per solar year
Flare of the vacant
Nearly lost

Sustained heart pedal beat
Venturing into sound from white
Unrecorded throbbing hoping in circles noise
Impatiently crashed upon love's noted pages
Near the end of grain of biblical salt lies
Where no equality one falls
Not for a moment

Pour a little salt
The wound just appeared
Pain of invisible salutations
The reconciliation bribe

Between lost dreams
And what is real

I told you...
I asked you...
I begged you...
All these requests
When you're never near
A sandcastling universe away
Behind a vale of imbalance
Behind love's tickets
Her vouchers
And silent...

Come on salt
Heart & soul poured
Over skinny love's crash
Open soul wreckage
Taught to fight
All that defines

Pour a little salt
The wound was always here
Scars describing kindness's distance
A reconciliation from darkness
A bribe of hope to the light
Where humanity crashed
Upon shores of tears
Beyond the dark
There is hope

Come on skinny hope 
Bluff of love's life fading time
Story of a memory ache crashed tear
Attempting to no witness fall
Just once per solar year
Flare of the vacant
Nearly lost
Falling loveless