Thursday, September 29, 2016

Hive Mind: Fifty Shades of Love's Deception II

She knew it first,

     That our black and nineteen fifty's white relationship had relinquished the love had requiem dream switched an uncharted distance of malignant time ago, Our unmendable rudder drove fast through too many harsh incomprehensible waters alone, Whilst the other self travelled to wrestle all of the debt to sorcery oceanic mirage pay the demons momentarily away; at least keeping them another faceless memory day unrecognizable to either in hind undesigned by love's ability to appease sight's appreciation of another beyond the unfathomable bay - of solitude - Wherein drown the hope of both distinctly unique and once yet no spitefully longer unfamiliar sailing kindred who by woven hollow vow and ring of faded stone became unwilling unless by day to unending death walk less than half an attempt of every pumping inch of an amputated heart's courage to crawling through the mire away...

In lieu of our participation in,
Crawling towards one another...
Despite the woes,
Despite the distance!